Saturday, November 26, 2011

Media Buyer Interview Questions

Media buyer interview questions are asked to the deservingcontenders, who are seeking to work on this job position. By assessing theoverall professional expertise, educational qualifications and knowledge ofconducting diverse media projects, a deserving candidate can be appointed as amedia buyer.

Sample Media BuyerInterview Questions:

  1. Please mention something about your skills and knowledge as a media buyer. How do you rate your expertise in this field?
  2. Tell us about your professional job duties in your previous organization.
  3. Why did you resigned from your previous job, especially when you were enjoying a great deal of benefits?
  4. Kindly mention something about your professional coordination with a media planner.
  5. What method do you prefer to collect and analyse the consumer data active in the field of the media?
  6. Explain the requirement of the internet banners, pages, posters and broadcasting advertisement?
  7. How do you handle the budget management as per your client’s requirements? What if, sometimes, you are failed to fulfil your objective in terms of promotional costs?
  8. As per your experience, which is the best technique to communicate with the clients and new customers in the field of media sale?
  9. How do you rate your team management skills? Are you comfortable in working in a team or do you prefer to work alone?
  10. Differentiate between producing costs and preparing costs of an advertisement project.
  11. What are the important media resources play a vital role in selling and purchasing the media projects?
  12. What are your salary expectations? Are you comfortable with our official timings?

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