Saturday, November 26, 2011

Advertising Manager Interview Questions

Advertising manger interview questions are used as anessential tool in order to interview the eligible candidates, who are willingto work as an advertising manager in an organization. By estimating the overallprofessional experience, educational criteria and skills & knowledge, adeserving candidate can be appointed on this job position.

Sample AdvertisingManager Interview Questions:

  1. Tell us something about your professional background. How did you rate your overall working experience as an advertising manager?
  2. Explain any five job functions of an advertising manager?
  3. Mention something about your communicational skills and advertising knowledge?
  4. How does an advertising department play an essential role in the growth of an organization?
  5. Discuss any three major factors of an advertisement essential to promote the various company products?
  6. How do you implement the market material and current sales policies to make you advertisement programs more effective?
  7. Discuss your technique to highlight the company or a particular department’s essential attributes in an advertising campaign.
  8. Tell us the widely used methods of conducting an advertising program or an ad.
  9. What do you understand from an advertising budget? Discuss the different steps to prepare the same.
  10. Explain the meaning of forming and negotiating advertising projects? How do you bring the potential client leads to the company on the behalf of an advertising department?
  11. How do you collect and store the information to store the advertising projects?
  12. What method do you follow for the success of an advertisement ad campaign?
  13. What strategy do you follow to oversee the advertisement campaigns and programs?
  14. If we appoint you today, when are you available to join us?

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