Saturday, November 26, 2011

Advertising Assistant Officer Interview Questions

An Advertising assistant officer interview questions areprogrammed by the professionals to interview the deserving candidates, who areseeking to join as advertising assistant officer. A selection committee canhire the qualified candidate after assessing the advertising work experience,professional attitude and educational skills.

Sample AdvertisingAssistant Officer Interview Questions:

  1. Mention something about your experience in the advertisement field. How did you see yourself after ten years in this professional field?
  2. What was the reason for leaving your previous job, especially when you were enjoying great benefits?
  3. Tell us any five major job responsibilities of an advertising assistant officer.
  4. Discuss the meaning of a lead tracking system in an advertisement cycle. How do you maintain the same?
  5. How do you improve the ROI? What method do you follow to reduce the related expenses of an advertising schedule?
  6. What approach do you prefer to provide the administrative support to the other concerned department?
  7. Name the report and advertising analysis do you perform. Discuss the format of an advertising analysis.
  8. How do you track the market related expenses and ROI?
  9. Do you have knowledge of developing and editing the advertisement and sales presentations?
  10. How do you manage the process bills, records and confidential documents related with the potential clients and advertisement department?
  11. Do you think you can easily manage the letters, applications, cost of promotional programs and official circulars?
  12. Discuss your role with advertising market manager? What type of input do you need from this person for scheduling the routine advertising procedure?
  13. If we select you as an advertising assistant officer, how soon can you join us?

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