Sunday, November 27, 2011

Probationary Officer Interview Questions

Probationary officer interview questions are asked tointerested candidates, who are willing to work on this job position. With thehelp of such questions, the professional experience, knowledge of diversebanking & legal procedures and education level of a candidate can beestimated easily. As a result, a deserving candidate can be appointed.
Sample ProbationaryOfficer Interview Questions:
  1. Please state any three weakness and strengths of your candidature.
  2. Why do you want to work with our bank? Do you want to join this bank from good salary and a lot of facilities?
  3. As a probationary officer, explain the routine duties & job functions of this job position.
  4. What do you know about our bank? Tell us about our bank logo.
  5. How does our bank different from other competitors? What is the current condition of our bank in the market?
  6. Explain the functions of a clerk, cashier and bank manager.
  7. What do you think about your computation, analytical and decision making skills? How do these skills can benefit this financial institution?
  8. Discuss the trait of a good probationary officer.  What strategy do you follow to plan the official activities, conferences, field visits and supervisory programs?
  9. Do you think that you can handle the courtroom procedures of our bank?
  10. What is your method to prepare and submit the monthly, quarterly and annual statistical performance repost of bank staff?
  11. How do you review the uploaded record shelves? How do you secure the sensitive data of high profile customer details?
  12. What approach do you adopt to communicate with the department heads and divisional officer for taking some necessary legal assistance?

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bank Interview Questions

Bank interview questions are designed to test not only your professionalcredentials, but also various facets, including communicative skills,analytical, logical and numerical ability, stress-handling capability, problemsolving ability, etc.  In that sense, most bank interview questions can bequite comprehensive and exhaustive in nature.
Bank interviews usually start with questions in general categories and thengo on to detailed educational and professional issues.  The questions varyaccording to the type of job and the level of seniority you are applying for.
Many banking jobs require good interpersonal and communication skills, so beprepared to answer behavioral questions and personality-based questions. It is good to validate your answers with specific examples to showcase yourabilities.
Numerical capability, problem solving ability, case study assessments ,group exercises to test your teamwork capability are just some of the areas inwhich you can expect bank interview questions.  However, most questionsare straight and to the point, so frame your answers accordingly.
While preparing for professional questions, study what the job descriptionentails, then see how your qualifications, skills and abilities match theprofile.  It is good to give structured responses and plan out youranswers in a methodical manner.
Bank Interview Questions
Bank Teller Interview Questions
Bank Job Interview Questions
Investment Bank Interview Questions
Key Bank Interview Questions
Bank interview Questions for Clerk Bank
Common Bank Interview Questions
Frequently asked Bank Interview Questions
Assistant Bank Manager Interview Questions
Bank Clerk Interview Questions
Bank Executive Interview Questions
Bank Cashier Interview Questions
Bank Operations Manager Interview Questions
Bank Relationship Manager Interview Questions
ATM Manager Interview Questions
Entry Level Bank Interview Questions
Corporate Financer Interview Questions
Investment Analyst Interview Questions
Investment Fund Manager Interview Questions
Commodity Broker Interview Questions
Book keeping Executive Interview Questions
Auditing Clerk Interview Questions
Loan Officers Interview Questions
Bill and Account Collectors Interview Questions
Outbound Call Centre Interview Questions
Call Centre Team Leader Interview Questions
Bank Customer Service manager Interview Questions
Investment banker Interview Questions
Bank Receptionist Interview Questions
Bank Sales Executive Interview Questions
Personal Banker Interview Questions
Chief Financial Officer Interview Questions
Probationary Officer Interview Questions

Agricultural Manager Interview Questions

An agricultural manager is a professional person whogenerally works in ranch or firm. His duties include overseeing everyday’svarious operations of land and making annual budget, managing and recruitingstaff. So to become a successful agricultural manager a person should havestrong understanding of land and agricultural practice. Moreover the candidateshould have good knowledge in human resource, marketing, accountancy andprocurement. So an agricultural manager interview questions should focus onthese aspects.
Sample Agricultural Manager Interview Questions
  1. Do you have any previous experience in this field? If yes then briefly describe about it.
  2. Why do you leave your last job?
  3. What made you interested in this post?
  4. Why should we hire you only for this post? What makes you different than other applicants?
  5. One of the important aspects of your job is to recruit and manage staff. On what basis will you recruit a staff? Do you think that you can handle a large number of staff?
  6. What are the main tasks of an agricultural manager?
  7. What are the main criteria required to become a successful agricultural manager?
  8. Are you satisfied about the pay package we are offering here?
  9. What are your unique skills? How will you utilize those skills in this field?
  10. Have you done any specialization for this post? Do you think that is sufficient for this post?
  11. An agricultural manger has to handle many stresses. Do you think you can be able to handle this? If yes then how would you do that?
  12. Do you have any question about this post and company?

Agriculture Engineer Interview Questions

An agriculture engineer interview questions should be framedin such a manner so that it tests an individual’s scientific concepts onagriculture and technological creativity for the betterment of the agriculturalworld. An agriculture engineer needs to have very upgraded concepts regardingagro technology and its implementation.
Sample AgricultureEngineer Interview Questions
  1. Tell us something about your field of study.
  2. Why did you choose such an unconventional career, was it your interest in agriculture or just an attempt to try something unusual?
  3. Give us some details of your academic qualification.
  4. What kind of job or service did you thought of doing prior to applying for this post?
  5. What makes your curriculum vitae unique from all the other engineer applicants? And why should we choose you for this job despite of other candidates who has equal skills like you?
  6. What idea do you have regarding field pesticidology, grafting, budding and re genesis?
  7. Do you think cross breeding crops are useful or they degrade the quality of a breed and hence the entire crop production suffers?
  8. What are your expectations regarding the pay packet from us?
  9. How do you think you as a human resource will be beneficial to our organization? What is the extra edge that you will give the company?
  10. What is the basic principle of field and soil management in a country whose population is more than the production?
  11. What do you think is the future of agriculture engineering provided it is being accessible to the mass at large?

Ecologist Interview Questions

Ecologist is the person who deals with ecology and environmentalfactors. They are responsible for researching on the environment, ecology andthe factors that is affecting it like industrialization, pollution, rainfall,etc by using mathematical and scientific models. Therefore, Ecologist Interviewquestions should be designed in a way so that the best suitable candidate getsselected.

Sample EcologistInterview Questions

  1. Tell the simple definition of ecosystem according to you. Tell something which is not in the dictionary.
  2. What made your affinity strong in this field?
  3. Define ammensalism? How will you relate it with harmonious ecological interaction?
  4. What is sustainable ecology according to you? What are the methods you would suggest others for gaining a sustainable ecology?
  5. Utilization of various forms of energy is one of the important aspects of ecology. How will you implement your ideas in maximizing non-renewable energy?
  6. What is the meaning of pollution according to your dictionary? Would point your fingers towards humans only for the cause of pollution? If No who else do you think is responsible for it as well and how?
  7. What is intra specific competition? Give a strong example in favor of it.
  8. According to research it has been found that aquatic life is mostly neglected. People hardly make any new innovation to improve the marine ecology. Have you ever thought of it? Do you have any plans to improve the quality of marine ecology?
  9. If you are asked to work on an onsite project along with few other junior ecologist. Do you think you can supervise their work?

Dairy Manager Interview Questions

A dairy manager is a professional employee of a dairybusiness. His main function is look after the overall operations of a dairy. Heshould have an outstanding organizational, communication and team buildingskills. Moreover he should have a good leadership quality. A dairy manager’sinterview questions should always focus on these aspects while recruiting anapplicant.

Sample Dairy ManagerInterview Questions

  1. Briefly describe about your past experience in the dairy field? Why did you leave your last job?
  2. What are the key tasks of a dairy manager?
  3. What has made you to come in this field?
  4. What are the unique skills you have? How will you utilize those skills in this field?
  5. Why you should be considered for this post?
  6. One of the important aspects of this job is team work. Do you have any previous experience of being a team leader? What is your style of managing a team?
  7. Describe briefly about your academic qualification. Do you think that is enough to handle this post?
  8. Tell the complete process of a dairy firm in brief?
  9. Are you happy with the salary package which we are offering for this post?
  10. Describe how you would handle stress and deadlines both together.
  11. Where do you see yourself in this field, after five years from now?
  12. How will you motivate yourself and your team member under pressure?
  13. What is the meaning of job satisfaction for you? If you don’t get satisfied with this job will you agree to continue?

Gardener Interview Questions

A gardener is a person occupied in any type of gardening,like landscaping or area preservation. It can even be anyone who has immenseknowledge about the growth conditions of a plant as well as takes care of agarden area. At times gardeners do their jobs in national gardens,museums, zoos, agency complexes as well as near streets too. The gardenerinterview questions should highlight all the aspects about a gardener’s job inorder to bring out the true worth of a candidate.

SampleGardener Interview Questions

  1. What sort of an experience do you have in gardening?
  2. How many hours can you put in this job?
  3. Tell us something about your knowledge regarding various plant diseases.
  4. Give an instance of how you eradicated one such disease effectively.
  5. What kind of terrains have you worked in and how shall that experience aid you in this job prospect?
  6. What are your views on organic growth of plants?
  7. How would you eradicate a plant disease chemically and save the plant species?
  8. Of all the job prospects why did you choose to apply for this particular one?
  9. How will your past accomplishments aid you in performing your job well in here?
  10. What are your expectations in this job with respect to payment and bonuses?
  11. What are your specialties while working in a garden?
  12. Have you ever worked in a public area such as museum or a zoo garden? What was the experience like?
  13. In your free time, what do you like to do?

Biologist Interview Questions

A Biologist is the scientist who deals with biological factorsand responsible for producing new processes which would be used by biologicalorganisms in future. They are involved in applied research through which theyproduce new techniques and processes for agriculture, medical and industrialfield. Therefore biologist interview questions should be framed in a way thatit finds out the true worth of a candidate.

Sample BiologistInterview Questions

  1. Tell something about your research work and projects in the field of biology.
  2. While researching which part of biology made you interested and you thought of working on it in future?
  3. Each time when you see yourself as a biologist what new discovery you wanted to make that will create difference in the life of living organisms in near future?
  4. What ideas you have regarding medical field? It is been said that agricultural by-products are sometimes a good ingredient for medicines, so do you have any idea on recent work that is utilizing this concept?
  5. What interest you mostly macroscopic or microscopic world while researching?
  6. As a biological scientist or biologist do you know the implementation of biological scientific models? If needed, can you use them on your research work?
  7. Safety is one of the important parts of any research. What are the safety measures you are aware off which you need to take care while performing any severe research?
  8. How long you are in this field of biological research? What are the skills you have learned in these years?

Nursery Manager Interview Questions

A nursery manager is in control of a garden centre and looksover the processes of a nursery – the wholesale or trade facility whichadvertises trees, flowers ,shrubs, and such other plants either to buyers incommon or to landscaping suppliers. Some nurseries just sell plants while somemight also cultivate them. Nursery manager interview questions are created tobring out the true worth of a candidate.

Sample Nursery ManagerInterview Questions

  1. Tell us about your past job experiences and the reason for quitting your last job.
  2. How do you plan to interact with buyers as well as vendors who look to buy plants from the nursery? Do you think finally your plan turn out to be effective in convincing buyers?
  3. Cite a past experience when you met the profit line in a past job and even crossed it with your job efficiency.
  4. How do you plan to interact with your co workers and guide them towards the well being of each plant?
  5. Hypothetically speaking, how shall you guide a customer regarding his/her landscaping needs with respect to the plants that he/she must buy?
  6. What are your views on pesticide management and organic plant growth?
  7. Give a project idea that you may have in the expansion and development of a nursery.
  8. What sort of a payment do you expect with regards to your salary and incentives?
  9. What are your educational qualifications and special achievement, if any?
  10. In your last job, how did you interact with fellow landscape contractors and meet their demands?

Horticulturist Interview Questions

A horticulturist has several responsibilities to performlike experiments and research to resolve methods of reproduction. He is engagedin producing and transport of fruits, berries, bushes. He also conducts testsfor processing and storing of  vegetables, nuts, flowers, and trees alongwith tests to enlarge new or enhanced varieties having superior yield,superiority, food value, immunity to disease, or adaptableness to climates, uses,soils,  or procedures. Therefore Horticulturist interview questions arejust a way to check a candidate’s true abilities.

SampleHorticulturist Interview Questions

  1. Give us a brief idea of your educational background and your special interests in it.
  2. What sort of experience do you possess that you think that shall help you in this job?
  3. What do you think are the disadvantages of this job? Why?
  4. Give an example of your past job where you provided a miraculous solution to a difficult problem related to your job?
  5. What was the reason for quitting your previous job?
  6. How do you think shall this job be better than the previous job of yours?
  7. Why did you choose this particular career? What are your goals with respect to your career?
  8. What kind of a salary do you wish to acquire?
  9. What prospects besides money are important to you in a job like this?
  10. According to you which factor is more important – Yield or resistance to a fatal disease?
  11. What was the last experiment that you have conducted in your past job? Was it successful?

Agriculture Sales Manager Interview Questions

Agriculture sales manager interview questions are speciallyoutlined to interview the interested candidate, who is willing to work as anagriculture sales manager. By measuring the professional abilities, workingexperience and educational level, the deserving contender is hired by theconcerned department.

Sample AgricultureSales manager Interview Questions:

  1. Mention something about your professional job experience. Why did you resign from your previous organization?
  2. Tell any five major duties of an agriculture sales manager.
  3. What do you understand from selling agriculture goods? Explain the essential sales techniques to benefit the organization.
  4. How do you rate your selling experience of farming equipments, tools and seeds? Do you think you can employ your beneficial selling strategies to sell out our offered agriculture goods & products?
  5. What approach do you follow to contact the potential customers for selling agriculture goods in a big order?
  6. How do you deal with a client, who is dissatisfied with your method of dealing and is important for the organizations?
  7. Explain your team driven and decision making skills? How do you motivate your sales team for improving productivity and meeting the assigned targets within the deadline?
  8. How do you update, upload and review the old sales records?
  9. How often do you like to attend sales meetings with your subordinates to discuss the various sales policies?
  10. Mention any two monthly and annual agriculture sales reporting formats with the help of an example.
  11. As an agriculture sales manager, what have you learnt from your years of sales experience?
  12. If we select you, when are you available to join our organization?

Irrigation Design Engineer Interview Questions

An irrigation design engineer interview questions are thosequestions asked to an individual applying for the position of an irrigationdesign engineer. An irrigation design engineer designs the technicalities ofthe irrigation procedure. The questions in the interview should be structuredin such a way so that the engineering skill of the candidate can be determined.The questions should also help to analyze the technical knowledge of the personand help to understand whether the person knows anything about irrigationdesigning.

Sample IrrigationDesign Engineer Interview Questions

  1. Say something about yourself.
  2. How many years of work experience do you have as an irrigation design engineer?
  3. You have done your engineering from the one of the most reputed engineering colleges in the country. How difficult was it for you to get admission in the college? Do you feel that the curriculum in the course has helped you in your practical life?
  4. Do you have any idea about the condition of irrigation process in this country?
  5. How would you like to improve the irrigation process?
  6. Suppose there is a village which has no water bodies. How would you design an irrigation project so that the villagers can do farming?
  7. Have you designed any irrigation project till now?
  8. How confident are you about your designing skills?
  9. How good do you think is your technical knowledge?
  10. What is the monthly salary that you expect?
  11. What is the notice period that you have to serve in your current organization?

Agriculture Researcher Interview Questions

Agriculture researcher interview questions are designed bythe experts by measuring the traits of this job position. By screening acontender with the set of interview questions, professional skills, previousjob experience & educational qualifications are estimated, and a deservingcandidate is selected by the concerned department.

Sample Agricultureresearcher Interview Questions:

  1. Walk us through your candidature. Why did you resign from your previous job position?
  2. Tell us your major job duties as an agriculture researcher.
  3. As an agriculture researcher, what is your objective to serve the organization with your scientific skills?
  4. How do you rate your analytical skills and rescuing abilities? How effectively can you resolve the routine agriculture issue?
  5. Kindly explain any three agriculture researching techniques.
  6. Are you aware about the innovative agriculture scientific techniques? Mention any two new scientific procedures introduced for improving harvest production.
  7. Name any five equipments widely used in carrying out agriculture researching operations.
  8. How do you researching abilities help an agriculture organization in terms of increasing profits?
  9. Explain the researching standards and scientific codes require to be fulfilled before conducting any agriculture researching procedure.
  10. Have you ever encountered with an agriculture problem which you could not solve? If such a situation appears in the future, how would you handle it?
  11. Mention any three analytical researching procedures.
  12. Tell us about a situation when you were mistaken in your research program and admit it later on.
  13. How do you manage your routine researching schedule when you are working on highly sensitive projects?
  14. Why should we hire you for this designation when we have more experienced candidates than you?

Agriculture Marketing Manager Interview Questions

Agriculture marketing manager interview questions are askedto the interested contenders, who are willing to acquire this job position. Byinspecting educational skills, professional experience and knowledge of diversemarketing procedures, the qualified candidate is selected by the concerneddepartment.

Sample Agriculturemarketing manager Interview Questions:

  1. Tell us something about your previous job experience. Why do you want to work with us?
  2. Discuss your job responsibilities as an agriculture marketing manager.
  3. Before initiating any agriculture marketing project, what factors would you like to study more thoroughly?
  4. Name the agriculture marketing projects successfully initiated by you.
  5. What do you understand from the online marketing tools? Explain the various effective online marketing strategies widely used for marketing an agriculture project.
  6. Explain your method of conducting a marketing campaign for promoting agriculture goods and products.
  7. Mention the type of marketing material. Why marketing material is required to promote the agriculture goods?
  8. Tell us the marketing tools you often employ to prepare the marketing platform for a particular agriculture project.
  9. Mention if you have raised any particular marketing technique to hype the sale of agriculture goods?
  10. Have you ever managed a tight budget marketing plan in your career? If yes, please explain how did you plan the marketing campaign for the same?
  11. Tell us about the biggest challenge of your career you faced as an agriculture marketing manager.
  12. What are your stress- buster strategies when you are working under extreme work pressure?
  13. How do you handle the extremely dissatisfied clients? According to you, how does a well written marketing script help to handle the potential clients?
  14. What is the most important thing that you have learnt from your previous work experience?

Landscape Architect Interview Questions

Landscape architect interview questions are widely asked tothe contenders, who are willing to sit for the landscape architect interview.By measuring the educational level, professional skills and knowledge ofhandling diverse landscaping procedures, a deserving contender can beappointed.

Sample Landscapearchitect Interview Questions:

  1. Tell us something about your job duties in your previous organization.
  2. How many landscape architect projects have you handled in your career?
  3. Discuss the various design and procedures available to prepare the landscape architect patterns.
  4. Name the necessary official provisions and professional codes to be employed to commence any landscaping architect project?
  5. Why does the location of structures, drainage system and environment impact report play a vital role in the implementation of a successful landscape architecture?
  6. How do you observe the weakness associated with an architecture project?
  7. Discuss your work strategy to plan and record the growth of a particular landscaping project.
  8. How do you plan your routine job duty schedule by selecting priority works? Do you think you can deliver quality work under extreme job pressure?
  9. How do you update and upload the routine changes and communication graph shelves?
  10. Explain your method of estimating the cost of land development and drawing structures such as roads, parks & buildings.
  11. Mention the type of problems you generally face during landscaping architect schedules.
  12. Name the factors play a vital role in the success of a landscape architect project.
  13. How do you deal with the potential clients to understand their major project requirements before undertaking an architect project?
  14. If we select you, when are you available to work with us?

Greens Keeper Interview Questions

Greens keeper interview questions are asked to theinterested individuals to appoint the deserving candidate for the job positionof a greens keeper. By evaluating education skills, professional experience andworking abilities, a proficient greens keeper can be selected.

Sample Greens KeeperInterview Questions:

  1. Tell us something about your professional experience.
  2. As a greens keeper, discuss about your achievements. Why did you leave you previous organization?
  3. Mention any three major job duties of a greens keeper.
  4. As a green keeper, what is your motive to serve the concerned organization?
  5. According to you, what is your best professional quality would make you successful in this field?
  6. What do you understand from fertilization, mowing and seeding? Explain each with the help of an example.
  7. Explain the technique you know for accomplishing successful fertilization. How do mowing and seeding different from each other?
  8. Name any three widely used dust solutions for the garden nursery.
  9. How do you make out that the plant nursery requires pesticide to grow properly?
  10. What spray technique do you prefer for better plant nursery growth?
  11. How do you decide the priority work out of your routine job duties?
  12. Name any three powerful insect killers you prefer over other pesticides.
  13. How do you rate your ability to perform designer cut exercises in the garden?
  14. Distinguish between fungicide and insecticide. Name the soil traits must be considered before cultivating plants.
  15. How do you manage your routine schedule of overseeing and observing garden nursery?
  16. Discuss the major greenery factors would you like to observe in garden nursery before recommending any insect killer?
  17. If we select you, when can you start working with us?

Pest and Weed Controller Interview Questions

Pest and weed controller interview questions are speciallyoutlined for interviewing the interested candidates, who are willing to acquirethis job position. With the help of these questions, the concerned interviewpanel can easily estimate the professional abilities, working experience andeducation level of candidates.

Sample Pest and WeedController Interview Questions:

  1. Please mention something about your previous work experience. What have you learnt from your prior work experience?
  2. As a pest and weed controller, explain your main job responsibilities?
  3. Tell us about your observation and problem solving skills do you think can be proven beneficial for our firm?
  4. Discuss the type of insect and ants badly harm the harvest and garden nursery. According to you, what weather conditions help to grow these harmful insects?
  5. Name the pesticides do you think are beneficial for faming and kill the insects effectively?
  6. How do you identify the pest and weeds present in the harvest? Explain the general symptoms you generally try to find for ensuring the presence of hazardous bugs.
  7. What farming technique do you follow to remove the weeds from cultivated areas?
  8. Do you think the spray of strong gasses to clean pest & weeds is good for plants?
  9. What agriculture procedure do you prefer for the nourishment of soil before seeding?
  10. Tell us any three seasonal problems, which disturb farmers the most?
  11. Name the annual reports prepared by you. How do you oversee the uploading and updating of existing records?
  12. How do you purchase the seeds and insect killers from the market?
  13. Why do you think you are the suitable candidate for this job position?

Landscape Technician Interview Questions

Landscape technician interview questions are used to screenthe interested individual, who is seeking to work as a landscape technician. Byjudging the professional capabilities, educational level and estimating thework experience, a qualified candidate can be appointed for this job position.

Sample Landscapetechnician Interview Questions:

  1. Discuss about your professional experience. Mention the job duties you have fulfilled in your previous organization.
  2. Mention the major job duties of this designation. As a landscape technician, what is your objective to serve your department?
  3. How do you rate your technical and analytical skills of observing landscaping issues?
  4. What technique do you follow to choose proper shrubs, plants and flowers by inspecting the type of soil?
  5. According to you, what weather conditions are best for the plants to thrive all over the year?
  6. How do you oversee the growth of plants and identify the associated plantation problems?
  7. Do you think that the landscaping of a house and a restaurant is a totally different concept? If yes, explain how?
  8. Mention the plant varieties such as flowers, designer and non- flower plants do you recommend for a hotel or a tourist place?
  9. Discuss the type of soil. How do you spot the harmful insects and bugs present in the plants?
  10. Mention the name of any two powerful weed and pest killers which are not at all harmful to plants?
  11. Define topical applications. What do you understand from eco- friendly landscaping techniques?
  12. What technique do you follow to clean the older plants from the garden?
  13. Do you need any training to work with us?

Agronomist Interview Questions

Agronomist interview questions are specially framedquestions used to screen the interested candidates, who are willing to work asan agronomist. By evaluating the previous work experience, professional skillsand educational qualification, a finalist candidate is selected for this jobposition.

Sample AgronomistInterview Questions:

  1. Tell us about your previous working experience. Why are you interested in this job?
  2. Describe the job duties of an agronomist.
  3. Define the eco- friendly soil methods to improve the production of seasonal crops.
  4. Explain the terms: tillage, breeding, crop rotation and disease control? How are these different from one another?
  5. What do you understand from green revolution and orphan crops? Explain with an example.
  6. Define genetically modified food. Explain any two techniques that work behind this food processing method.
  7. Name the environmental issues associated with genetically modified food.
  8. How can you improve the prosecution of vegetables, pasture, turf and cover crops? Explain any three methods?
  9. Distinguish between furrow and overhead irrigation?
  10. Explain bee pollination. How does it help improvise the value of fruits, vegetables, almonds and berries?
  11. How many techniques of disease resistance are available? Discuss any three with help of an example.
  12. Explain drip irrigation. Discuss its benefits.
  13. According to your experience, name the cold weather symptoms which enhance the production of harmful bugs in the harvests.
  14. How does change in climate sometimes help in better harvesting?
  15. What is your stress management method? How do you plan your routine working schedule to meet per day targets?
  16. If we hired you, when can you join us?

Environmental Engineer Interview Questions

Environmental engineer interview questions are widely askedto interview the candidates, who are willing to sit for the interview of anenvironmental engineer.  With these questions, a deserving contender isappointed after measuring his educational level, professional skills andworking capabilities.

Sample EnvironmentalEngineer Interview Questions:

  1. Discuss your prior working experience. Why did you resign from your previous job? Please give a logical reason.
  2. Tell us any three strengths of your candidature. How do you see your resume weakness?
  3. As an environmental engineer, please mention your professional job duties and responsibilities you survived in your previous job.
  4. Discuss the various biological principles and codes necessary for the human living conditions.
  5. What do you understand from super chlorination? Explain advantages and disadvantages.
  6. Differentiate between rapid and slow sand filters? Which one is better?
  7. Distinguish between COD and BOD.
  8. Discuss your role in the green revolution as an environmental engineer.
  9. How do you rate your decision making and problem solving skills? Have you ever faced a situation, where you could not understand and resolve an environmental issue?
  10. Explain the environmental chemical procedures? Why are these used in the various procedures?
  11. Define the terms: water disposal, hazardous waste management and eco- friendly biological conduction.
  12. Discuss the dramatic impact of blocked wastage on human health and environmental conditions.
  13. What are your objectives to handle an environmental engineering project? Tell us about a time, when you completed some project with hard work and after some time this ended up as a failure one.
  14. Kindly explain how do your scientific and engineering skills benefit our organization?

Farm Manager Interview Questions

Farm manager interview questions are widely used to screenan individual, who is seeking to serve as a farm manager. By asking questions,educational criteria, professional attitude and knowledge of various farmingtechniques & procedures can be estimated for appointing the deservingcandidate.

Sample Farm ManagerInterview Questions:

  1. Discuss your professional skills as a farm manager. Explain logically, why do you want to join our farm?
  2. As a farm manager, what are your ethical job duties and responsibilities?
  3. Explain your harvesting agenda, method of drawing up plantation activities and coordinating with subordinates.
  4. What do you understand from livestock? How do you oversee the selling of farming plants, harvests and purchasing of farming products?
  5. Discuss the production technique do you prefer over other methods. According to you, which production technique is profitable in the summer weather?
  6. How do you inspect the farming components, equipments and machinery, etc?
  7. Are you aware about the farmer contracts? Explain the main attributes of a farmer contract.
  8. How do you determine the marketing conditions before selling a particular crop?
  9. Explain the various farming management practices widely used in the routine farming life.
  10. Discuss your method of planning & determining the maturity dates of the crops effective for obtaining good profit.
  11. Define the terms:  recordkeeping, harvesting grading, payroll, chemical application and irrigation.
  12. Tell us something about your management and decision making skills? How would you control the overall working procedure of a farm house?
  13. How do you manage the routine procedure to meet your targets? Discuss your technique of assigning tasks to the farm employees.

Agriculture Interview Questions

Agriculture interview questions arebasically designed to test the knowledge and primary concepts of a candidatewho has applied for a job in some company which performs work on agricultureand other areas directly linked to this field of work. Such questions mayexplore the ideas possessed by an individual on crops and the season they grow,factors that influence their development, various tools and techniques used forthe same, concept of fertilizers and pesticides and the idea of their effectsand controlled use, etc.
Agriculture interview questions areimportant determiners as they test an important section of study. Agricultureis a very sensitive field of work as it has direct impact on the augmentationof crops, be it food or cash and commercial ones, which in turn affect profitsof a company or even the government. Hence a single error or wrong practicewill bring about heavy losses for the concerned authority, for which it isimportant that the agriculture interview questions test the candidates’in-depth knowledge and practical ideas in this aspect. A few things to be notedare:
  • Agriculture interview questions should not only test the education and training acquired in this field, but also the ease with which the candidate can effectively implement his/ her ideas for the benefit of all.
  • These questions should pay special stress on the knowledge of environment-friendly ideas and uses of agriculture.
  • Agriculture interview questions should also bring out the candidate’s ideas on the development of economic practices and also the improvement of the state of farmers and other agriculture practitioners.
Agriculture Sales manager Interview Questions
Agriculture Researcher Interview Questions
Agriculture Marketing manager Interview Questions
Greens Keeper Interview Questions
Landscape Architect Interview Questions
Pestand Weed Controller Interview Questions
Landscape Technician Interview Questions
Agronomist Interview Questions
Environmental Engineer Interview Questions
Farm Manager Interview Questions
Soil Scientist Interview Questions

Soil Scientist Interview Questions

Soil scientist interview questions are framed by the expertsto interview the eligible candidates for the job position of a soil scientist.By estimating the overall working experience, professional skills, educationcriteria and knowledge of diverse scientific procedures, a deserving candidatecan be appointed.

Sample Soil scientistInterview Questions:

  1. Please mention your best career experience. Why did you leave the previous organization?
  2. As a soil scientist, what are your high priority job duties & responsibilities?
  3. Tell us something about your analytical and scientific skills do you think can be proven beneficial for us.
  4. Mention the name of various scientific techniques available for soil inspection and preparation procedures. How are these beneficial for a farmer?
  5. Classify the diverse character of soil. What do you understand from micro- organism of soil? Explain any two benefits?
  6. How do you manage extreme stress of work when you are already handling a number of essential scientific tasks?
  7. Discuss the government policies and corporate conducts necessary to be followed while conducting a soil investigation.
  8. According to you experience, tell us the beneficial technique of improving production.
  9. Describe any three forensic procedures to be conducted to investigate the level of chemical compounds in the soil.
  10. Kindly define the types of crop rotation, industrial waste control and fertilization. How are these different from one another?
  11. Do you mind to travel to urban and rural areas to perform various experiments on soil and to educate the farmers?
  12. If we select you, can you give us a sure date of joining?

Advertising Executive Interview Questions

Advertising executive interview questions are outlined bythe experts, which are asked to the interested candidates willing to sit forthe interview session of advertising executive. After assessing the workexperience, knowledge of handling diverse advertising activities andprofessional attitude, a shortlisted candidate can be hired as an advertisingexecutive.

Sample AdvertisingExecutive Interview Questions:

  1. Walk us through your resume. Why did you leave the previous job?
  2. Why are you willing to work with us?
  3. What are the major job duties of an advertising executive?
  4. Why does communication plays a vital role for making an advertisement campaign successful?
  5. What do you understand from a prospective customer? What strategy do you follow to advertise the company products to these customers?
  6. Do you have good knowledge of conducting promotional activities and planning an ad program?
  7. Define online promotional campaign. Name any three types of online ad programs.
  8. How do you rate you creative and designing skills?
  9. What approach do you follow to save the essential records and reports? How do you update the data for the same?
  10. Tell us about a time when you planned the whole advertisement program at a large scale, but it ended up with poor results. How did you manage this critical situation?
  11. Discuss your role in copying, scrutinizing and editing the promotional material.
  12. Do you think, you can coordinate in a team of ten people? With what type of people do you feel uncomfortable in working with?
  13. When can you join us? What are your salary expectations?

Advertising Manager Interview Questions

Advertising manger interview questions are used as anessential tool in order to interview the eligible candidates, who are willingto work as an advertising manager in an organization. By estimating the overallprofessional experience, educational criteria and skills & knowledge, adeserving candidate can be appointed on this job position.

Sample AdvertisingManager Interview Questions:

  1. Tell us something about your professional background. How did you rate your overall working experience as an advertising manager?
  2. Explain any five job functions of an advertising manager?
  3. Mention something about your communicational skills and advertising knowledge?
  4. How does an advertising department play an essential role in the growth of an organization?
  5. Discuss any three major factors of an advertisement essential to promote the various company products?
  6. How do you implement the market material and current sales policies to make you advertisement programs more effective?
  7. Discuss your technique to highlight the company or a particular department’s essential attributes in an advertising campaign.
  8. Tell us the widely used methods of conducting an advertising program or an ad.
  9. What do you understand from an advertising budget? Discuss the different steps to prepare the same.
  10. Explain the meaning of forming and negotiating advertising projects? How do you bring the potential client leads to the company on the behalf of an advertising department?
  11. How do you collect and store the information to store the advertising projects?
  12. What method do you follow for the success of an advertisement ad campaign?
  13. What strategy do you follow to oversee the advertisement campaigns and programs?
  14. If we appoint you today, when are you available to join us?

Advertising Art Director Interview Questions

Advertising art director interview questions are asked tothe interested candidates, who are seeking to work as an advertising artdirector in an organization. After evaluating the knowledge regardingadvertisement, professional experience and educational qualifications, ashortlisted candidate is appointed.

Sample Advertising ArtDirector Interview Questions:

  1. Mention something about your professional background. How do you see the strengths and weaknesses of your candidature?
  2. Mention any five key responsibilities of an advertising art director.
  3. How do you rate your artistic and creative skills as an advertising art director?
  4. Which approach do you follow to meet the finance management team of a client for discussing the advertisement budget of a particular advertisement camp?
  5. How do you produce sketches, scamps and storyboards to meet the client and for discussing the creative ideas?
  6. What method do you opt for commissioning the photographers, and film- makers while working with diverse and important projects?
  7. Do you have knowledge of planning different shots and short listing the locations for the same?
  8. Name the advertising art concepts and unique ideas suggested by you.
  9. Have you ever encountered with a situation, where one of your potential clients disagreed with you due to some advertisement procedure? How did you manage such a situation?
  10. According to your experience, which is the best method to hit the right audience in the market by implying the most effective ideas on projects?
  11. Tell us something about your coordination with the creative director.
  12. Ifwe appoint you for this job position, when can you join us?

Advertising Assistant Officer Interview Questions

An Advertising assistant officer interview questions areprogrammed by the professionals to interview the deserving candidates, who areseeking to join as advertising assistant officer. A selection committee canhire the qualified candidate after assessing the advertising work experience,professional attitude and educational skills.

Sample AdvertisingAssistant Officer Interview Questions:

  1. Mention something about your experience in the advertisement field. How did you see yourself after ten years in this professional field?
  2. What was the reason for leaving your previous job, especially when you were enjoying great benefits?
  3. Tell us any five major job responsibilities of an advertising assistant officer.
  4. Discuss the meaning of a lead tracking system in an advertisement cycle. How do you maintain the same?
  5. How do you improve the ROI? What method do you follow to reduce the related expenses of an advertising schedule?
  6. What approach do you prefer to provide the administrative support to the other concerned department?
  7. Name the report and advertising analysis do you perform. Discuss the format of an advertising analysis.
  8. How do you track the market related expenses and ROI?
  9. Do you have knowledge of developing and editing the advertisement and sales presentations?
  10. How do you manage the process bills, records and confidential documents related with the potential clients and advertisement department?
  11. Do you think you can easily manage the letters, applications, cost of promotional programs and official circulars?
  12. Discuss your role with advertising market manager? What type of input do you need from this person for scheduling the routine advertising procedure?
  13. If we select you as an advertising assistant officer, how soon can you join us?

Advertising Copywriter Interview Questions

Advertising copywriter interview questions, as the namesuggests, are used as a potential tool for interviewing the job seekers, whoare willing to work as an advertising copywriter. By assessing the copywritingskills, qualification criteria and overall experience, a candidate can beappointed as an advertising copywriter.

Sample AdvertisingCopywriter Interview Questions:

  1. Tell us about your overall working experience. How do you see your overall success in this field?
  2. Explain the key job duties of an advertising copywriter.
  3. What development concept do you follow to generate the creative ideas for writing the required advertisement programs?
  4. Differentiate between an original copy of content and a copy write of a document. Define the value of timely content.
  5. What do you understand from proof reading? Explain the effective methods to perform a faster proofreading.
  6. Do you think you have the ability to interpret the concepts and approved ideas of advertising schedule for the client?
  7. According to your experience, how does a feedback from a discontented client works to improve the copywriter’s standards of an organization?
  8. Define the meaning of updating digital media. How do you amend and update the stored copy write content on client’s requirement?
  9. Discuss your role in liaising with a client.  Which communication approach do you prefer for a faster completion procedure?
  10. Do you believe in working on more than one project at a time?
  11. How do you rate your skills and knowledge in copy writing and advertisement?
  12. If we hire you today, when are you available to join us?

Advertising Planner Interview Questions

Advertising planner interview questions are specificallyoutlined questions asked by the concerned department to the interested jobseekers, who are willing to work as an advertising planner. After assessing theeducation criteria, professional attitude and working experience, a deservingcandidate is appointed for this job position.

Sample AdvertisingPlanner Interview Questions:

  1. Walk us through your candidature. Why are you interested in working with our company?
  2. Give a reason for leaving your previous job.
  3. What are the major job functions of an advertising planner? Tell any three job responsibilities you think play an essential role in working as an advertising planner.
  4. How do you locate the current condition of the brand in the market? What key factors are required to strengthen the position of the brand in the market?
  5. Discuss your role in advertising research and programming. How do you co-operate with the other departments for collecting the sufficient data for planning?
  6. Name the strategic objectives, which are considered seriously for planning a successful ad campaign.
  7. Tell us any three widely used media trends for planning the budget of a particular promotional program.
  8. How do you deal with the company stake holders and clients for getting approval on a particular project’s budget?
  9. What do you understand from a target audience? How many types of advertising procedures are available in the media industry?
  10. Do you think the edge cutting technology and advertising innovations play an essential role in demonstrating the exact product requirement to the online consumers?
  11. Why should we consider you over the other job seekers for this designation?

Media Buyer Interview Questions

Media buyer interview questions are asked to the deservingcontenders, who are seeking to work on this job position. By assessing theoverall professional expertise, educational qualifications and knowledge ofconducting diverse media projects, a deserving candidate can be appointed as amedia buyer.

Sample Media BuyerInterview Questions:

  1. Please mention something about your skills and knowledge as a media buyer. How do you rate your expertise in this field?
  2. Tell us about your professional job duties in your previous organization.
  3. Why did you resigned from your previous job, especially when you were enjoying a great deal of benefits?
  4. Kindly mention something about your professional coordination with a media planner.
  5. What method do you prefer to collect and analyse the consumer data active in the field of the media?
  6. Explain the requirement of the internet banners, pages, posters and broadcasting advertisement?
  7. How do you handle the budget management as per your client’s requirements? What if, sometimes, you are failed to fulfil your objective in terms of promotional costs?
  8. As per your experience, which is the best technique to communicate with the clients and new customers in the field of media sale?
  9. How do you rate your team management skills? Are you comfortable in working in a team or do you prefer to work alone?
  10. Differentiate between producing costs and preparing costs of an advertisement project.
  11. What are the important media resources play a vital role in selling and purchasing the media projects?
  12. What are your salary expectations? Are you comfortable with our official timings?

Media Analyst Interview Questions

Media analyst interview questions are widely used by the interviewpanel to interview the interested candidates, who are willing to work as amedia analyst. By assessing the professional attitude, inspecting thequalification criteria and evaluating the work experience, a deservingcandidate can be hired as a media analyst.

Sample Media AnalystInterview Questions:

  1. Tell us smoothing about your resume. Mention any two weaknesses of your candidature.
  2. Are you satisfied with your overall working experience and growth you achieved in yours previous organization?
  3. Explain the key job functions of a media analyst.
  4. What do you understand from media? Name the types of media used by the media agencies.
  5. Discuss the role of market study and online surveys for evaluating the current company position in the market.
  6. How do you analyze the results of a media campaign?
  7. Name any three fruitful media strategies, which are highly effective in collecting the data and response rate of particular targeted customers.
  8. How does internet play an essential role for analyzing the brand conditions and for spreading the worldwide awareness about a particular product?
  9. Tell us about a time when you researched and gathered some important data, but your boss rejected this data as it was not sufficient to complete the analysis. How did you react in that condition?
  10. What do you understand from sales history and media intelligence? Explain the latest media trends beneficial in measuring the product growth.
  11. Whyshould we hire you for this job, when we are interviewing more experiencedcandidates than you?

Media Manager Interview Questions

Media manager interview questions are asked by the concerneddepartment to the interested candidates, who are seeking to work as a mediamanager. By judging the professional work experience, measuring the knowledgeof performing diverse media procedures and evaluating the educationalbackground, a deserving candidate can be appointed on this job position.

Sample Media ManagerInterview Questions:

  1. Walk us through your resume? Are you satisfied with your overall work experience?
  2. Why are you willing to join this job position?
  3. What are the major job duties of a media manager?
  4. How do web- based resources are effective in building a company’s image and promoting the several advertising activities?
  5. What do you understand from product segment? How do you decide the segment of a product?
  6. Discuss your role with internal & external content managers, editors and designers.
  7. How good are you in building the strategies and proposals for the prospective clients? Explain the steps to develop a proposal.
  8. What communication method do you prefer to contact the clients and associate professionals for fulfilling a project?
  9. Discuss your functional approach with social media team.
  10. How do you ensure that all the conversations and information is tracked and logged into the database?
  11. How good are you in fulfilling the routine project deadlines and professional targets?
  12. Name the monthly and annual reports to be prepared by you for the submission.
  13. How do you upload and update the database? As per your experience, which is the safest method to save the confidential client data?
  14. Why should we hire you for this job position?

Media Director Interview Questions

Media director interview questions, as the name suggests,are a programmed set of questions used to interview the interested job seekers,who are willing to work as a media director. After evaluating the previous workexperience, professional skills and educational qualifications, a deservingcandidate is appointed on this job position.

Sample Media DirectorInterview Questions:

  1. Please tell something about your professional experience. Why did you resign from your pervious job position?
  2. What are the major job duties of a media director?
  3. Is media an effective medium to sell and promote the products in the global market? What would you like to say about print and electronic media?
  4. What are your main objectives when you handle a potential client and start working on some important project?
  5. How do the statistics study surveys and trade journals play a vital role in the success of particular product? How can these factors used for launching a new product in the market?
  6. What technique do you use to find and hire the best location for the media shots for a product?
  7. How do you oversee the functioning of the media department?
  8. Name any two analytical models used by a media director for rating the success ratio of a particular product.
  9. What do you understand from strategy meetings? How do you pitch the potential clients?
  10. Why team management and coordination is so important for the success of media department?
  11. If selected, when can you join us?
  12. What are your salary expectations from this job profile?

Advertising Account Executive Interview Questions

Advertising account executive interview questions are askedto the interview eligible candidates, who are willing to work as an advertisingaccount executive. By interviewing all candidates and recording theireducational qualifications, professional skills and overall work experience, adeserving candidate can be appointed on this job position.

Sample AdvertisingAccount Executive Interview Questions:

  1. Would you like to mention something about your candidature?
  2. Please mention something about your experience.
  3. Why are you seeking to work with our company? What was the reason behind your resignation?
  4. Name the primary job functions of an advertising account executive?
  5. How would you negotiate with the potential clients and agency staff for conducting various advertising campaigns?
  6. What do you understand from managing campaign costs and invoicing the clients?
  7. Discuss your approach of formulating advertising and marketing polices for planning excellent advertising programs.
  8. How would you devise an advertising campaign meeting the budget requirements of a new client?
  9. Have you ever faced a time in your previous organization when you had programmed an advertising campaign that failed due to the lack of resources?
  10. Do you think you can handle more than two clients at a time for two parallel advertising programs?
  11. How do you understand the requirements of the client to plan out an effective advertisement program?
  12. Tell us about your method of pitching and organizing meetings with the important clients.
  13. How do you store the essential information and document the important records for the future references?
  14. Why should we hire you for this post?

Public Relation Officer Interview Questions

A Public Relation Officer Interview questions are thequestions that are asked to an individual who is appearing for the interviewfor the position of Public Relation Officer. These questions test the abilitiesof an individual and his suitability for the role at hand. The followingquestions check the necessary knowledge and skills of the aspiring candidates.The skills that make a candidate eligible for the roles and responsibilities ofa public relation officer are good communication skills, pleasing composurewhile addressing the media, an outgoing personality, etc.

Sample Public RelationOfficer Interview questions

  1. Give us a brief background about yourself.
  2. Why did you choose the field of Public Relations?
  3. What do you have you say about your academic record?
  4. What were your takeaways from your internship experience as Public relations personnel?
  5. How do you define ‘spin’ and ‘flack’ in public relation lexicon?
  6. Have you ever lost your cool and composure in your professional life?
  7. How would you address an issue in front of media which has come under severe media criticism?
  8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using blogs for public relations?
  9. What are the most effective forms of public communication? How do you measure the effectiveness of a form of communication?
  10. Which qualities in you make you a good public relations officer? And what skills should you still develop?
  11. What made you apply for the post of Public Relations Officer in our company?
  12. Quote an example of a company that has not handled public relations well. What do you think they should have done instead?
  13. How would you add value to our company as a Public Relations Officer?

Advertising Sales Executive Interview Questions

Advertising sales executive interview questions are used aneffective tool to interview the deserving candidates for appointing the bestapplicant as an advertising sales executive. By assessing the professionalabilities, experience of handling diverse advertising sales experience andeducational qualifications, the best applicant is hired by the concernedorganization.

Sample AdvertisingSales Executive Interview Questions:

  1. Please mention something about your candidature. How do you see the weakness of your resume?
  2. Why do you think you are an ideal candidate for this job position?
  3. How many years of working experience do you have as an advertising sales executive?
  4. Name the any three basic job duties of an advertising sales executive.
  5. How do you rate your communication abilities and convincing skills?
  6. Why does building a strong relationship play a vital role in earning more potential clients?
  7. Discuss the attributes of an advertisement sales contract offered to the clients.
  8. How do you deal with the potential company customers on the phone?
  9. Do you think you need some training to join us?
  10. If a company client is highly discontented due to a poor response of advertisement campaigns and the company is willing to work with this client again. How would you call up the customer and take a further appointment?
  11. How do you ensure if the media plans are running successfully for a particular ad camp?
  12. Name any three annual advertising sales report you need to prepare and submit.
  13. What approach do you follow to upload and upgrade the record shelves?
  14. If we appoint you today, when can you join us?

Advertising Agency Account Executive Interview Questions

Advertising agency account executive interview questions area programmed set of questions used by a concerned department to conduct aninterview session with eligible job seekers. After completing the interviewsession and gathering the essential data about educational background,professional skills and expertise, a candidate is appointed as an advertisingagency account executive.

Sample AdvertisingAgency Account Executive Interview Questions:

  1. Please tell us about your candidature. Mention something about your experience.
  2. Why did you resign from your previous company, especially when you were enjoying good employment benefits?
  3. What are the major job duties of an advertising agency account executive?
  4. To handle a specific advertising sales project, how do you identify the project requirements of a potential client?
  5. What communication source do you prefer to discuss the essential attributes of a project with your clients?
  6. Tell us something about your communication & interpersonal skills.
  7. Do you think you work as a bridge between the potential clientele and the company?
  8. What type of weekly meetings and report you need to attend & prepare for fulfilling your job targets?
  9. Discuss your role in preparing advertising budget and suggesting & implementing the creative ideas for conducting a beneficial advertising camp?
  10. How do you prepare the layouts and concepts of certain advertisement programs?
  11. Tell us about your ability of accomplishing monthly targets, especially when you are working under tight deadlines?
  12. How do you update the record shelves and keep the secret client data out of reach of unauthorized people?
  13. Are you ready to work with us on the offered salary?

Advertising Representative Interview Questions

Advertising representative interview questions areespecially outlined by the experts to conduct an interview session ofinterested candidates, who are seeking to join as an advertisingrepresentative. After completing the interview and assessing the experience,education criteria and abilities of all candidates, the best applicant isappointed on this job position.

Sample AdvertisingRepresentative Interview Questions:

  1. Walk us through your resume. What are the biggest strengths of your resume?
  2. Why do you want to join our company?
  3. What are the fundamental job functions of an advertising representative?
  4. How do you perform the public relation functions to enhance the sales?
  5. What approach do you follow to assist the concerned staff in writing press releases, copy writing and preparing layouts?
  6. Name any three promotional techniques and sales standard trends widely used to attract the potential customers.
  7. How would you schedule a promotional advertisement program by contacting the national and international agencies?
  8. What do you understand from a special advertisement & promotional campaign? How do you participate in creative promotional programs?
  9. Please mention something about your advertising skills and communicational skills.
  10. How do you fulfil your programmatic responsibilities, especially when you are working under tight deadlines?
  11. Do you think you can coordinate and supervise the planning and designing editions?
  12. Name the meetings scheduled by you within the department. Discuss the format of any of the meeting reports.
  13. How do you store information and document the confidential data? What techniques do you use to upgrade the database?
  14. If we appoint you today, when can you us?

Advertising Sales Representative Interview Questions

Advertising sales representative interview questions areused as an effective tool to interview the eligible candidates, who are willingto work as an advertising sales representative. With the help of suchquestions, a concerned department can record the overall work experience,inspect the educational background and measure the professional skills ofcontenders. After this procedure, a deserving applicant can be appointed on thejob position.

Sample AdvertisingSales Representative Interview Questions:

  1. Would you like to mention something about your overall job experience?
  2. Do you think you are the fit candidate for this vacancy?
  3. What are the primary job duties of an advertising sales representative?
  4. How do you communicate with a potential customer for taking an approval of illustrative advertising proofs?
  5. Discuss the standard size of an advertising pattern generally used by you.
  6. Define your technique to understand & identifying the customer requirements, implementing the creative changes and sending the approved samples to the customers.
  7. What approach do you follow to locate and bring the potential clientele to the company?
  8. Name any three widely used advertising sales techniques, which are used for planning special advertising programs?
  9. How good are you in preparing the advertising estimation to the clients? Do you believe in discount giving policies?
  10. Explain the steps of developing a client account in the advertising sales department.
  11. What type of reports do you prepare and submit monthly?
  12. How do you store and update the saved data for the future references?
  13. Why should we hire you for this job? Do you agree with the offered salary & perks?

Friday, November 25, 2011

Advertising traffic Manager Interview Questions

Advertising traffic manager interview questions are asked tointerview eligible candidates, who are seeking to work as an advertisingtraffic manager. By considering the educational criteria and measuring theoverall professional attitude of all candidates, the best applicant isappointed as the advertising traffic manager.

Sample Advertisingtraffic Manager Interview Questions:

  1. Please tell us something about your candidature. Why did you leave your previous job?
  2. How many years of experience do you have as an advertising traffic manager?
  3. Explain the main job duties of an advertising traffic manager.
  4. How do you rate your analytical and communication skills?
  5. Tell us any of the strategies raised by you to attract more advertising traffic in your previous organization.
  6. What do you understand from Advertising traffic? How does it help to enhance the business of the advertising department?
  7. Name the three basic rules and ethical standards to improve the advertising traffic?
  8. Do you think the internet is the best resource to invite the potential advertising traffic?
  9. Discuss your role in designing TV commercials and radio announcements as an advertising traffic manager?
  10. How do you keep an eye on the routine activities of your department?
  11. What communication approach do you follow to connect all concerned department for initiating an advertising traffic program?
  12. How did you maintain the incentive reports of your department? What technique do you use to upload & update the record shelves?
  13. Why should we consider you for this job, especially when we are interviewing more experienced candidates than you?