Forensic accountant interview questions are uniquely framed by the expertsto interview the interested candidates, who are willing to work as a forensicaccountant. After completing the interview and thoroughly investigation ofeducation level, professional abilities and experience of each candidate, adeserving candidate is being hired by the organization.
Sample Forensic accountant Interview Questions:
- Tell us the strengths and weakness of your candidature? Why do you want to join this organization?
- Define forensic accounting? What are the advantages of such a department?
- Explain the forensic auditing procedures play a vital role in detecting frauds present in the corporate accounts?
- Discuss the role of forensic investigating audit in local authorities, business entities and government bodies. State each with an example.
- What are the different financial processes available in forensic accounting? Mention the essential phases conducted for diagnosing and preventing the accounting mistakes in diverse cases.
- Explain the method of reviewing operational and financial procedures of an organization?
- Discuss the general fraud symptoms investigated in a forensic accounting procedure?
- Distinguish between traditional accounting and forensic accounting process? Give any two limitations of forensic accounting & auditing system?
- Explain the terms: a fraud exposure survey, focal points and computer fraud auditing? How does computing auditing help in forensic accounting procedures?
- Discuss the various standards and rules of forensic accounting? What legal sets are introduced by the government to support scientific accounting system?
- Explain the terms: error prevention, error identification and fraud identification.
- State the role of a forensic accountant in an internal and external auditing.
- How many steps are there to complete a forensic accounting and evidence – gathering procedure?
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