- Discuss about your resume and background?
- Tell something about your work exposure to renowned associations?
- How do you rate your computer skills and experiences?
- Describe any two advantages and disadvantages of accounting packages and systems you have used till date in your accounting candidature?
- How do you keep up to date records of payroll system? What is the method to generate a bill on computer excel format?
- What hierarchy system do you follow to track the information of sales and marketing department regarding potential customers?
- How do you audit last six months invoices generated online? Do you think you can make the possible changes in DBMS from your terminal?
- Explain the different accounting processes you have revised and mention if you have suggested any new technical method to keep records easy in your last organization?
- With how many accounts applications and soft wares you are familiar with?
- What are your salary expectations? When are you available to join us?
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Sample Accounting Interview Questions
Accounts Receivable Interview Questions
- Let me know about your background?
- How many years of exposure do you have in accounts department? What have you learnt from your previous experience?
- What is the reason behind your resignation?
- Differentiate between creditors and debenture holders?
- How many methods are there to communicate with old customers to do follow up regarding pending payment?
- Where will you put the old records and files and how will you start indexing new records?
- How do you make commission structures and cash flow statements?
- Discuss the barriers to successful receivable accounts management?
- Explain the different steps to accounting cycle? How do you define an imprested account?
- What is the method to calculate accounts working capital? Explain cost sheet in accounting? Give the purpose of such sheet?
- Differentiate between debit and credit memo? What are ledger entries? Describe voucher and cash payment journal?
- What is your expected range of salary?
- Do you agree with office timings and shifts?
Accounting Clerk Interview Questions
- Let me know about your resume and background?
- How many years of work exposure do you have? Name the institution from where you have completed your academic qualification?
- Why did you leave your previous organization?
- Describe the job responsibilities of your post in accounts department?
- How do you compare a handmade rough invoice and computer generated invoice? According to you, which one is better?
- What is the format to prepare a circular based account on important information for all departments?
- How do you assist with prepare checks, payroll and employee accounts?
- Are you sure that you will be able to communicate properly with potential customers in terms of payment?
- Discuss the method to prepare Audit reports with location management? How do you maintain post and pre sale data?
- How do you keep safe, clean and secure records? Discuss your techniques to maintain good and proper relations with all departments?
- Are you satisfied with perks and offered salary?
- Do you have any query?
Accountants Interview Questions
- Discuss your resume and tell us something about your background?
- Why should we hire you when your age limit is below the required age?
- Discuss your educational qualifications? Did you take any training of handling Accounts?
- How many accounts projects have you handled till date? Tell us if you have done any complicated financial assignment within short deadlines?
- What is your method to monitor the performance of your subordinates?
- How many times do you check the report before sending it to senior authorities?
- Tell us how do you handle the confidential reports of departments?
- How do you take care of the routines of your department which affects both company position and your designation?
- Have you ever faced tough analysis problem during your candidature?
- How would you react if some senior person is trying to impose mistakes on you which you have never done?
- If we select you, how much time would you take to join us?
Accounts Payable Interview Questions
- Talk us through your till date candidature achievements?
- Explain the reason why are you leaving your current organization?
- From which institute have you completed your high level educational qualifications?
- Explain the format to prepare MIS report? How do you define bank reconciliation?
- What is liability to pay? Differentiate between liability to pay and obligation to pay?
- Discuss “payable” in accounts? How this term does is mentioned in accounts book?
- What sort of information do you need to approve an invoice for payment?
- How many invoices can you handle in a month?
- Describe billable and non- billable expenses of an organization?
- Explain the difference between consignee and consigner? What do you mean by Open Item Managed Account?
- What are your long term objectives and where would you like to see yourself after five years in accounts field?
- How do you create a purchase order? Explain payment mechanism work?
- What do you understand by parked report?
Accounts Job Interview Questions
- Discuss the major positive and negative points of your resume?
- Why have you resigned from your previous association? How was your experience with this organization? Have you cleared all debits from that association?
- Why do you think that accounts department is one of the major department of an organisation?
- Do you think that you will be comfortable in working in a team? Did you ever had any disputes with your subordinates?
- Explain the various cost cutting measures you are using in different expenditure reports?
- How do you update all departments on various changing policies of accounts department?
- What is your role in audit and quality management system? Give an example of internal accounts control procedure?
- How can you help our company to save money by reducing expenses?
- If some mistake is found in records after you have audited, what will you do?
- How do you manage your role with finance department and handle all transactions with this department?
- When are you available to join us?
Accounting Clerk Interview Questions
- Talk us through your resume?
- With how many renowned organizations have you worked?
- What are your educational qualifications? Since how many years are you working on this post in accounts department?
- Are you sure, you have the ability to work under stressful circumstances?
- Explain the types of invoices available in accounts department? Mention the format and its use as an invoice?
- When doyou cross check the invoice and which point do you read carefully?
- Have you ever tackled a situation where have you made a mistake in invoice and you realize it after despatching it to the customer? How did you handle this embarrassing situation?
- During checking if you find any mistake in the invoice then how do you generate the customer reference number again?
- Which tools and models do you use in an ERP system?
- When would you like to join us?
Accounts related interview questions
1. Briefly narrate to us your work experience.
2. Why do you want to be an accountant?
3. What qualities do you have to be a good accountant?
4. Please tell us about your experience in preparing management accounts.
5. How do you keep yourself up to date with the regulations that affect bothyour industry and your accounting position?
6. Can you describe any recent difficult financial analysis problem that youfaced on the job?
7. Take me through your latest budget preparation.
8. How do you handle potential payment problems with your customers?
9. What was the most important and significant decision you had to make atwork this year and how did it help your company?
10. What are the criteria on the basis of which you evaluate the reliabilityof the financial information you receive?
11. What, according to you, are the biggest challenges and opportunitiesfaced by the accounting profession today?
12. How would you present financial data to non-financial staff?
Accounts Coordinator Interview Questions
An accounts coordinator interview questions are the questions asked to anindividual who is sitting for an interview for the position of an accountscoordinator. The questions asked in the interview are too aimedanalyze the coordination skills of the individual to assure the he would beable to assist in the overall process of the organization’s financial process.There are also questions to evaluate the person’s knowledge in accounting.
- Tell us something about yourself.
- What do you think are your best skills that will help in contributing towards the organization?
- Have you ever been involved in an invoice dispute and if yes, how did you solve the dispute?
- How much experience do you have in accounts payable?
- Do you know the strategies required to prepare an accounts receivable?
- What according to you is the role of debtors in an account receivable?
- Have you ever conducted audits? If yes, tell us your experience in conducting it.
- Do you have any experience in accounting of fixed assets?
- What are the various methods for calculating depreciation?
- Can you tell how expenses are different from expenditure?
- How will identify the budget reduction methods in an organization?
- In case of allocating costs, what are the methods that you will use?
- Give a brief detail about your experience in cost accounting?
- How would you mark out the quality affecting factors in the accounting department?
- Where do you see yourself after five years?
Accounts Manager Interview Questions
An accounts manager interview questions are the questionsasked to an individual who is sitting for an interview for the position of anaccounts manager. The questions are asked to check whether the person issuitable is for the job. The questions help to understand how good themanagerial skills of the person are and also analyze his accounting knowledge.
- Please say something about yourself?
- It is important for an accounts manger to have good communication skills. How good do you feel are your communication skills?
- Do you usually prefer working in a calm and peaceful work environment or a chaotic work environment?
- What do you think about your managerial skills?
- What do you think about your accounting skills?
- You have passed out from the best accounting college of the country how difficult was it for you to get admission in that college?
- Do you feel that it would have made a difference even if you had passed out from another college?
- Give us a situation in your previous company which went out of control, but you managed to control it?
- What do you feel is your best achievement in your previous organization?
- Have you ever been involved in a project that had erratic working hours and you had to meet deadlines?
- What do you feel are the areas that you need to improve on?
- What do you usually do when you have free time?
- Why do you think you are better candidate as compared to others?
Accounts Representative Interview Questions
An accounts representative interview questions are thequestions asked to an individual who is sitting for an interview for theposition of an accounts representative. The role of an accounts representativeis to maintain the account of a client or look after the public relationprocess so the questions should help to analyze whether the individual has goodcustomer satisfaction skills and also has strong communication skills.
- Tell us something yourself.
- What is your total work experience in the position of an accounts representative?
- As you will in direct contact with the clients, do you believe that you have good communication skills?
- Do you feel that you have customer management skills?
- How would you handle a situation, if a client becomes impatient?
- How would you behave when in a situation under pressure?
- How good you are in detecting account related problems and workflow issues?
- What do you think is the best skill that you possess which is required for the position of an accounts representative?
- Have you ever received appreciation from clients in your previous organization? If yes, what was the reason for receiving the appreciation?
- How good are your interpersonal skills?
- Why do you want to leave your previous organization?
- What are your strong points and how do you try to improve them?
- What are your weak points and how do you try to overcome them?
- Are you ready to work overtime when needed?
- Are you ready to do travelling for work related issues?
Accounts Executive Interview Questions
An accounts executive interview questions are the questionsasked to an individual who is sitting for an interview for the position of anaccounts executive. These questions are asked to evaluate whether theindividual is eligible for the position. The questions help in analyze theperson’s interpersonal skills to give an idea whether he would be able to builda good professional relationship with the clients or not.
- Say something about yourself.
- What do you know about our organization?
- How good do you think are your interpersonal skills?
- What skills do you feel that an individual should possess if he is applying for a job in the position of an accounts executive?
- It is very important for this job to have good communication skills. How good do you feel your communication skills are?
- How long have you worked in the position of an accounts executive?
- What do you think are the job responsibilities of an account executive?
- In your previous organization, have you ever contributed to team meetings by coming up with new ideas or new projects?
- How good are you at maintaining relationship with clients?
- Have you ever received any appreciation from clients? If yes, what was it about?
- What do you feel are your strong points? What do you do to improve them?
- What do you think are your weak points? What do you do to overcome them?
- Where do you see yourself professionally after 5 years?
- What are your salary expectations?
Accounting Analyst Interview Questions
Accounting analyst interview questions are specially designed questionsasked to an accounting analyst, who is willing to work on the same jobposition. These questions are outlined to measure the overall accountsexperience, knowledge of accounting analysing & auditing procedures andvast practice of handling confidential data & other essential processes,etc. To obtain honest answers and genuine overview of an individual’s skills,such an interview question set is programmed by the professionals.
Sample Accounting Analyst InterviewQuestions
- Walk me through you candidature?
- Tell us about your specific experience with accounts and mention the three most challenging situations you handled during accounting analysing procedures?
- How many types of invoice formats have you experienced including vendor invoice in your previous organization?
- Explain the accounting procedural steps you execute during managing and recording confidential information. How do you ensure the security of accounting data record shelves?
- Describe your overall knowledge of preparing and reviewing the account distribution documentations. How do you approve hierarchy controls on vendor account statements & pending invoice clearances?
- What is your method to recommend the analysing enhancements for improving the challenging process of meeting accounts deadlines?
- Explain the general nature of accounts analysing errors? How do you rate your efficiency to identify the errors?
- Describe the core factors for calculating monthly revenue and profit accounting statements?
- State if you have practice of developing profit improvement and revenue generation plans?
- According to you, what are the key benefits of accounts auditing procedures?
- Do you think communication is important in accounts department? What approach do you follow to communicate with the concerned departments?
Auditor Interview Questions
Auditor interview questions are effectively programmed by the professionalsto measure the previous auditing experience, educational skills and expertabilities of an individual willing to work on this designation. By askingdiverse questions, the interview panel makes the final decision of hiring thedeserving candidate as per organizational requirement.
Simple Auditor Interview Questions:
- Tell us something about your experience of handling auditing tasks?
- Explain auditing? What are the different types of auditing procedures available?
- State any three differences between internal and external auditing programs? Discuss the objective of each.
- How does a statutory audit program initiated in the audit department?
- Explain any two benefits of an internal audit program? How do you evaluate internal audit method effectively?
- Discuss the basic principles of auditing. Explain the importance of an internal auditor’s independency.
- How does stock checking and usage auditing analysis help the organization? Discuss the essential auditing tools widely used in audit procedures.
- What method do you follow to carry out an internal audit process effectively? How do you manage the record shelves for the same?
- What is the meaning of alternate minimum tax? How does this term help to enhance the productivity of an organization?
- Explain the functions of an internal audit chart? What is the scope of these functions?
- Discuss before audit and after audit procedures? Explain in steps.
- If you are conducting an audit procedure in the accounts department, how do you involve the concerned people into this procedure? Tell us shortly.
- How do you measure the associated weakness and lacks with the audit department? What approach do you follow to suggest the effective improvements for the same?
Senior Accounts Manager Interview Questions
Senior accounts manager interview questions are asked to a candidate, who issitting for the interview and is interested to work on the same job position.This set of interview questions helps to grab an overview of a candidate’sprofessional abilities, working experience and educational qualification.
Sample Senior Accounts managerInterview Questions:
- Tell us about your tertiary educational qualifications?
- Explain the three key strengths and weakness of your resume?
- What is the last scenario introduced by the government in terms of tax laws? Tell us the current percentage slab for vendor and corporate sales.
- What is your technique of reducing costs of your department to benefit the organization?
- How do you invest your senior accounting skills and leadership abilities to control your department? How do you motivate your team to improve productivity to meet certain official deadlines?
- State if you have raised any special accounting process and suggested any account application package in your career?
- According to you, what are the two major advantages of accessing accounts software and what types of errors you generally noticed in a software printed invoice?
- According to you, how a strong customer relationship helps to grow the accounts department, improving accounting trends and tacking & resolving potential client accounting issues?
- Demonstrate your technique of managing large accounting work, internal & external communications and securing confidential accounting details?
- State your approach of implementing accounts strategies and suggesting the beneficial improvements to bring transparency in accountancy tasks?
- Define the flexible accounts systems? How this system helps to face the biggest accounting challenges?
Accounting Associate Interview Questions
Accounting associate interview questions are asked to the interestedcandidates, who are interested in the offered job position. A deservingcandidate is being selected by the HR department by evaluating the previous jobexperience, education and knowledge of handling various accounting procedures.
Sample accounting associateInterview Questions:
- Walk me through your resume. Tell us any two strengths and weakness of your candidature?
- Are you aware about your job functions for this job positions? Mention any three major duties.
- What do you understand from time sheet? Disuses the procedure executed to prepare this sheet? State any two benefits for the same.
- Define the terms: payroll, billing payments and cost cutting procedures. How a billing payment is different from an invoice?
- What do you understand from process month end journal entries? State the procedures for the same?
- How do you answer the queries of customers and handle vendor invoice questions? What method do you follow to collect the vendor pending payments?
- What approach do you follow to evaluate the bonus points of monthly employee sheet?
- Explain your role in auditing procedure? How do you maintain a bookkeeping system, clerical accounts, process invoices using available software?
- What is the main difference between cut checks, type memos and code payments? Where these three can be used separately?
- How do you handle employee expense reports, process sales contracts and maintain payable accounts?
- Discuss the available accounting policies and procedures widely used nowadays in the accounts department.
- Have you ever been encountered with a serious customer issue related to outstanding payment? If yes, how do you clarify such an issue?
Accounting Supervisor Interview Questions
Accounting supervisor interview questions are a framed set of questions usedto screen an interested candidate, who is willing to work on the same jobposition. Education, experience of handling essential tasks and knowledge ofimplementing diverse accounting supervisory procedures are the main focus ofsuch an interview.
Sample Accounting supervisorInterview Questions:
- Tell us something about your accounting supervisory experience with the previous organizations?
- Explain, what have you learnt from the challenging situations you faced in your last job?
- State any three major duties of an accounting supervisor? What are the fundamental objectives and aims of this designation?
- How do you handle an invoice error dispute? Tell me about your skills of working on diverse invoice software?
- Discuss the important steps to approve an invoice payment? What course of action would you like to take if the invoice is consisting of calculation errors?
- State your approach of evaluating invoices and billing payments? State a difference between billable and non- billable expenses?
- Explain your involvement in accounting audit procedures and discuss your responsibilities for the same?
- How do you rate your experience of supervising payroll system? How many payroll systems have you been accessed till date?
- Do you have experience of implementing cost cutting procedures? If yes, discuss the essential steps.
- What is the major difference between payroll management and payroll distribution? Discuss the role of a payroll distribution journal.
- How many activities are involved in supervising the accounting payroll system?
- Discuss the main problems you have experienced during supervising or inspecting a particular payroll program?
Insurance Accountant Interview Questions
Insurance accountant interview questions are prepared to screen thecandidates, who are interested in serving on the offered designation in aparticular organization. After evaluating the educational skills, workingexperience and proficiency, the selection committee finalizes the deservingcandidates for the available vacancy.
Sample Insurance accountantInterview Questions:
- Tell us something about your previous job experience. Discuss the weakness of your candidature?
- What do you understand from a term insurance accountant? Mention the primary job duties of this job designation?
- How do you rate your knowledge of handling and conducting insurance accounts procedures? Define insurance in one line?
- Explain general insurance? Name the five available general insurances?
- State the formula for calculating gratuity? Explain the key factors of measuring gratuity?
- State the difference between an insurance policy, fund pension and a health plan. How do you compile the data of these categories into a sub ledger?
- Explain the technique used to process the journal entries in insurance accounts?
- What is the new slab introduced to calculate the taxes on billings? Explain us the flow of taxes in a general ledger?
- According to you, what is the key difference between expanses and expenditure? How are these entities calculated in the payroll and billing system separately?
- Explain the procedure of updating the database with the latest insurance accounting comments? What is the benefit of this?
- Discuss the cash collateral procedures and charts of accounts? Explain the format for ageing reporting, MDA & LTA.
- How do you prepare GIRP reporting and applications? Discuss the procedure of supervising insurance related terms such as a fixed deposit, fund transactions and payment debits?
Real Estate Accountant Interview Questions
Real estate accountant interview questions are asked to a candidate, who isattempting an interview for the designation of a real estate accountant. Thisquestion set helps to obtain an overview that how good a candidate is. Bymeasuring previous experience, expert abilities of handling various real estateprocedures and reviewing the educations skills, a deserving contender is hiredby the concerned department.
Sample Real Estate accountantInterview Questions
- Tell us something about your experience as a real estate accountant?
- What do you understand from real estate management system? Explain, why this term is important for running a real estate business smooth & successfully?
- Mention primary job responsibilities of a real estate accountant in the organization? Explain the method of preparing consolidated real estate statements?
- What are the fundamental requirements for managing and handling a newly introduced real estate project? Discuss the legal services involved in such a project management?
- How do you review and write the real estate financial statement for a corporate client? State the basic requirements for the same?
- Explain terms: inter- company real estate accounts, general ledger, cash sweep, forecasting analysis.
- How do you participate in the auditing procedure? What is your core strategy to save the record shelves and securing the confidential real estate data?
- Have you encountered with a serious issue of a client alleging mistakes in the real estate documentation? If yes, what approach do you adopt to satisfy such a client?
- How do you coordinate with the concerned department to ensure the bimonthly payroll journal entries?
- Do you think, you can meet the deadlines for annual report fillings, annual budget preparation, quarterly reporting and review of rent collections?
Actuary accountant Interview Questions
Actuary accountant interview questions are planned by the experts to conductan interview procedure in which interested candidates are screened forselecting a deserving one. This set of questions is prepared for evaluatingknowledge of actuary accountant field, expertise in handling diverse programsand reviewing the education skills.
Sample Actuary accountant InterviewQuestions:
- Walk us through your candidature and discuss your previous work experience on the same job designation?
- Define actuary accounts management is a one line? Mention any three major job roles of an actuary accountant.
- Define the terms: super profit, cost reduction and fixed assets? How these three entities are co-related with each other?
- How do you rate your efficiency of evaluating asset statistics, updating novice software and communicating the senior officers? Do you have experience of working in a team?
- Distinguish between cost control and cost reduction? How these two factors should be calculated effectively to benefit the organization?
- Give any three differences between liquid asset and fixed asset? How do you relate annual average profit with these two attributes?
- State a general report and payroll report format with the help of an example? During a report preparation, what all steps and core factors should be considered more attentively to minimize the scope of errors?
- Give three major differences between finance accounting management, const accounting management and statics accounting management?
- What procedure do you follow to maintain and record the confidential actuary reports & records?
- Explain an account payable cycle. Mention the name of any two widely used actuary accounts software?
- Disuses the biggest challenge you have survived in actuary accounts in the previous organization?
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