Probationary officer interview questions are asked tointerested candidates, who are willing to work on this job position. With thehelp of such questions, the professional experience, knowledge of diversebanking & legal procedures and education level of a candidate can beestimated easily. As a result, a deserving candidate can be appointed.
Sample ProbationaryOfficer Interview Questions:
Sample ProbationaryOfficer Interview Questions:
- Please state any three weakness and strengths of your candidature.
- Why do you want to work with our bank? Do you want to join this bank from good salary and a lot of facilities?
- As a probationary officer, explain the routine duties & job functions of this job position.
- What do you know about our bank? Tell us about our bank logo.
- How does our bank different from other competitors? What is the current condition of our bank in the market?
- Explain the functions of a clerk, cashier and bank manager.
- What do you think about your computation, analytical and decision making skills? How do these skills can benefit this financial institution?
- Discuss the trait of a good probationary officer. What strategy do you follow to plan the official activities, conferences, field visits and supervisory programs?
- Do you think that you can handle the courtroom procedures of our bank?
- What is your method to prepare and submit the monthly, quarterly and annual statistical performance repost of bank staff?
- How do you review the uploaded record shelves? How do you secure the sensitive data of high profile customer details?
- What approach do you adopt to communicate with the department heads and divisional officer for taking some necessary legal assistance?