Friday, November 25, 2011

Advertising Intern Interview Questions

Advertising intern interview questions are a planned set ofquestions used by the experts to interview the job seekers, who are willing tojoin as an advertising intern. By judging the processional attitude, inspectingthe overall educational qualifications and evaluating the professional skillsof all contenders, a deserving applicant is hired by the concerned department.

Sample AdvertisingIntern Interview Questions:

  1. Tell us about your educational background. What is your major strength as a professional?
  2. Why do you want to join our company?
  3. Are you aware about the major job functions of an advertising intern?
  4. How do you rate your writing and verbal communication skills?
  5. What do you understand from term brand building? As per you knowledge, why this term is so important for a growing advertising company?
  6. Differentiate between the print and audio- video commercials? Discuss the role of the internet in brand building.
  7. Why building a potential client relationship is essential for grabbing the beneficial advertising leads?
  8. Are you aware about the marketing advertising trends? How would you conduct a research to analyze the best marketing trends for initiating a particular ad program?
  9. How do you outline and execute the media advertising plans?
  10. Explain the meaning of media notes. Why these notes are important for planning media advertising?
  11. Explain the sequential steps to prepare a client advertising budget.
  12. Do you have sound knowledge of graphic designing and graphic arts?
  13. How would you deal with a client discontented due to poor advertising services?
  14. Are you comfortable with the offered salary and office timings?

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