Thursday, July 19, 2012

HR Consultant Interview Questions

HR consultant interview questions are programmed by the experts in order to interview the job seekers, who are willing to work as a HR consultant in an organization. After evaluating the overall work experience, skills & knowledge and educational qualification, a deserving candidate can be appointed as a HR consultant.

Sample HR consultant interview questions:

  • Please mention something about your overall consultant experience? Why did you resign from your previous organization?
  • Tell us about the major job duties and responsibilities as an HR consultant?
  • What mode of communication do you prefer the most to advertise the job openings and how do you maintain the records for the same?
  • Discuss the process of receiving and evaluating the contender resumes against a particular job opening.
  • What is the detailed procedure of managing an interview and short listing a deserving candidate?
  • Why do preparing and updating of a HR database is necessary for the successful HR management?
  • What do you understand from negotiating salary terms between a client and a candidate?
  • Discuss the type and different clause of a HR consultant agreement? Differentiate between an employment contract and a consultant agreement.
  • How do you review the employment policies? How do you prepare and modify the recruitment programs for a particular client?
  • Define client management and candidate management. Differentiate between the job duties and responsibilities.
  • What strategy do you implement to maintain and initiate a healthy client network?
  • Have you ever hired and fired a wrong candidate?
  • If we appoint you, when are you available to work with us?


  1. What fictional character from the popular media would you consider an effective leader and why?

  2. Thank you for posting these article as well as post the details about consulting agreement details and sample formation.
