Monday, December 5, 2011

Investment Bank Interview Questions

  1. What do you know about Investment Banking?
  2. Do you have any exposure to Investment Banking? If yes, name the bank and tell something about your job responsibilities?
  3. What stimulates you to join our bank? Why do you want to resign from your current organization?
  4. Tell something about our general bank policies?
  5. Explain the steps to guide a new customer who is interested for investments in bank?
  6. What is your strategy to convince a customer in buying an investment plan?
  7. Can you tell us about our bank’s current stock trading value?
  8. What is your policy to take important decisions? How do you evaluate your performance at day end?
  9. Discuss ethical decisions? Why ethical strategies are so important for an organization?
  10. Have you ever worked as a part of a team?
  11. Are you an investment banker? Have you ever taken any risk in bank investments? How was your experience in investment banking?
  12. Do you have any doubts to clear about this job?

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