Payroll clerk interview questions are exceptionally figured questions askedto the interested candidate, who is sitting for the interview of a payrollclerk job position. By asking these questions, the concerned department canmeasure the professional experience, knowledge of payroll procedures andeducation level of a contender.
Sample Payroll Clerk Interview Questions:
- Please tell us about your professional background?
- Define payroll. Mention the various payroll procedures conducted regularly for updating the payroll database?
- Explain the job duties and key responsibilities of a payroll clerk.
- State the payroll principles and standards defined to work and maintain an organization’s payroll system.
- In your regular job duties, how do you handle the errors and calculations problems?
- Name the payroll software you can access? Do you have knowledge of some accounting software as well?
- As a payroll clerk, how do you protect the salary information and confidential records of an organization?
- Do you have experience of handling typical payroll issues raised by the employees? If yes, tell us about your strategy to deal with such a situation?
- Explain your role with payroll administration. Discuss the nature of problems generally occurred during the payroll record submission?
- What do you understand from employer’s social security, compensation payments and payroll liabilities? Discuss the relationship between these three entities.
- Tell us the formula for calculating provincial income and social security taxes.
- According to you, what skills should a payroll clerk have to thrive under the pressure?
- Do you think you can complete the assigned work within the deadlines?
- Why should we hire you as we have more experienced job seekers than you?
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