Friday, November 25, 2011

Advertising Graphic Designer Interview Questions

Advertising graphic designer interview questions are a setof programmed questions used to interview the job seekers, who are interestedin sitting for the interview of advertising graphic designer. With thisinterview procedure, a deserving candidate is appointed by an organization byevaluating the overall work experience, professional skills & abilities andeducational criteria of all candidates.

Sample AdvertisingGraphic Designer Interview Questions:

  1. Please mention about your educational background?
  2. How many years of professional experience do you have?
  3. Why are you willing to join our company as an advertising graphic designer?
  4. What are the major job responsibilities of an advertising graphic designer?
  5. How do you handle more than one project of graphical promotional activities?
  6. Do you think you need some sort of software or graphical training to join us?
  7. If you are going to attend a prospective client for the first time along with your advertising graphical presentation, how would you convince him to work with you?
  8. Why proofreading plays a vital role before finalizing any sort of advertising graphical presentation?
  9. How do you choose your graphical concept for potential advertising graphical projects?
  10. Do you have good knowledge of FreeHand, 3D Studio, Acrobat and Flash, etc, software?
  11. Tell us about a time when you had submitted a project on advertising programs by investing the best of your graphic designer skills, but this project was rejected because of some mistakes?
  12. How do you maintain your records safe as soft copies? Are you trained to update the advertising database?
  13. Why should we consider you over other candidates?

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