An advertising designer interview questions are the list of questions that can be asked to the applicants who have applied for the post of an advertising designer. Applicants should be aware of the needs of advertising, various advertising formats, knowledge of customer’s choices, and his or her role as an advertising designer. The following questions are given to analyze these skills and requirements.
Sample advertising designer interview questions
- Please tell us about your academic life and achievements.
- What made you choose the profession of an advertising designer?
- Did you dream of becoming something else when you were a kid?
- Did you bring any samples of your previous advertising designs?
- Can you design something for us to promote a toothbrush?
- What challenges have you faced till now as an Advertising designer?
- How was your previous boss? Was he easy going or harsh?
- How many hours do you dedicate each day for work?
- If there is a short deadline to deliver a nice and attractive ad for a valuable client, but you are faced with a family commitment, what would you do?
- Do you think advertising designers are paid well?
- Do you like to work for brands that are already established and gain handsome money or work for smaller firms which are yet to get recognition?
- Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 on your marketing skills where 1 is the least and 10 is the maximum.
- Does only advertising help a company gain a significant market share?
- Can you name some of the best advertising firms?
- When can we expect you to join us?
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