Monday, July 16, 2012

Common Residency Interview Questions

  1. What do you know about the rigors of this residency?
  2. You must have heard and learnt about many other residency programs. Where do you think we stand in a rank of 1 to 5?
  3. What are the reasons which generated the interest in you to go for this residency?
  4. We are sure you must have applied for the residency of other places as well. Please tell us something about them.
  5. How have you planned to achieve the varied demand which needs to be fulfilled in this residency?
  6. Whatever knowledge you have about this program must have given you various levels of apprehensions about your success in it. What are those apprehensions?
  7. Has anyone in your family undergone through any such course?
  8. To accomplish success in the program you have to sacrifice many things. How have you decided to adjust yourself?
  9. What is the difference between such a residency and non-residency program?
  10. Do you have any other questions regarding the residency?

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